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About ReDizajn...


ReDizajn was born in 2009. in Zagreb, as a studio owned by reDesigner Renata Ivančić. As it grew, it long for more young creative spirit.


This small design studio is exceptionally big: for powerful educated women that rule him, for creative ideas which they turn into brand and for functional product that they release into the market.

At the end of the day, our goal is to make a brilliant job and have a great time while doing it! ;)


What do we create (design)?


ReDizajn studio offers a diverse range of work: graphic and web design, product and interior design. The reason for this is that our reDesigners are specialized in various areas of design.


Graphic design - involves combining typography, photography and illustration to transmit an idea or a message with a good visual communication. The message should be designed recognizable and understandable for intended audience. Graphic design refers to:

- Visual Identity Design

- Packaging Design

- Design Publications

- Signaling Design


Web design - Your job is to ensure us the instructions and materials that we need to create a website (logotype, text, photographs), and our job is to provide you with a high quality and attractive design that will not be compromised with the user interface functionality.


Product and Interior design - involves design of everyday objects, interior, exterior and exhibition spaces. Often inseparable is a combination of graphic design and three-dimensional objects.

How do we create (design)?


Every design company has its own operating procedures and distinctive company signature. In our company, our team of reDesigners analize the brief at the first meeting, respecting clients wishes and needs. While the initial approach to every product looks the same, the key is what comes after – how to use that information and turn your business into a strong visual brand.


So while our process may seem familiar, our product is anything but ordinary. Our goal is to produce a quality and creative solution that will give the communication strength and longevity.







Design or reDesign?



Why invest in a corporate identity?


Since today's culture is rich with information and lack of time, it is necessary to make a visual identity that will inspire and mobilize people. Actually nowadays people make decisions and form opinions even before they hear what you have to say..


When is the right time to think about reDesign?


Establishing a new business or launch a new product.

• Thinking about changing the company name.

• In need for a new brand positioning and revitalization.

• Your current "picture" is "under contruction".

• Neighbor's son has designed your logo as a part of a school project.

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